108 Days to Peace, Light & Love

My Mala Project


Creative Direction: Branding, Copywriting, Web Design


My Mala Project // Creative Direction: Branding, Copywriting, Web Design //

TLDR: Kasen donated a website, custom business cards and an award-winning music video to an Etsy store owner.

One of Kasen’s clients at WireBuzz sent him a Christmas present as a “thank you” for his help with their website. The gift was a custom mala, which prompted him to reply and let her know how intuitive the color choice was at the time.

A few emails later, and he was in contact with the mala maker - Joanne Johns. Kasen offered her a free website for her custom mala business in exchange for some creative liberty. After learning she had recently divorced, then had to leave her job at the end of 2020 to move home and take care of her mom who has dementia, he became emotionally invested and wanted to do something special for her.

Kasen took new product photography, wrote the website copy, and then built and launched a website for her on Shopify. As an “easter egg”, he produced a song and music video on behalf of her project, inspired by one of her favorite songs.

From first meeting to website launch, this project took exactly 108 days. (That’s as many beads are on a mala!)

After launch, Kasen helped her design business cards she could print and give out at farmer’s markets and craft shows.

Category: Video Creativity (Original Music)

Category: Video Creativity (Original Music)

Category: Best Use of Music for Branded Entertainment

Kasen James

My name's Kasen, and I'm a comedy writer and songwriter. I'm also ’m an award-winning marketing creative from the San Francisco Bay Area, with nearly 10 years progressive experience producing amazing digital content for small businesses.

I write 😂copy and create 🔥social media content. I build and design high engaging, UX-friendly Squarespace sites. Check out my own website, along with those in my portfolio, for an example of what I can do for you.


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