Saving a Superhero MSP’s Content

Dynamic Business Technologies


Copywriting, Content & SEO


Dynamic Business Technologies // Copywriting, Content & SEO //

TLDR: Kasen’s copywriting and project management skills saved this superhero IT MSP’s content.

When Kasen first started as a copywriter at TriDigital Marketing - a Plano-based creative content agency for IT service providers - he was assigned a client named Dynamic Business Technologies.

About Dynamic Business Technologies:

Dynamic Business Technology (DBT) is an IT managed service provider, located in Australia (NSW).

The Situation:

Kasen was one of several new copywriters hired in response to some turnover in the content department. A few copywriters were let go due to subpar work, which unfortunately, affected Dynamic Business Technologies’ account.

The Solution:

Kasen stepped in with his then partner account manager, Jordan Brown. Together, they turned the failing project organization and quality of work around.

Kasen rewrote their corporate brochure, services page, created two superhero-themed whitepapers, and helped them develop a case study.

The Results:

Dynamic Business Technologies became one of the happiest clients TriDigital had.

Kasen James

My name's Kasen, and I'm a comedy writer and songwriter. I'm also ’m an award-winning marketing creative from the San Francisco Bay Area, with nearly 10 years progressive experience producing amazing digital content for small businesses.

I write 😂copy and create 🔥social media content. I build and design high engaging, UX-friendly Squarespace sites. Check out my own website, along with those in my portfolio, for an example of what I can do for you.

Writing Smash HIIT Website Copy


Magnetizing Leads with Content