Driving Paid Search Results

Doyon Tourism


Paid Media


Doyon Tourism // Paid Media //

TLDR: Kasen’s Google AdWords campaigns helped an Alaskan tourism company achieve:

  • 24% CTR from search ads

  • 34% decrease in avg. CPC

  • 18% total conversion attribution

  • 100K YouTube ad views

Doyon Tourism had been a long time client of Vertical Rail - the eCommerce marketing agency where Kasen used to work.

About Doyon Tourism:

Doyon Tourism Ltd. is an Alaskan tourism company that manages both Kantishna Wilderness Trails (KWT) and Kantishna Roadhouse (KRH). KWT offers private guided day trips by bus, while KRH is an exclusive backcountry lodge located in Denali National Park.

The Situation:

In 2016, Vertical Rail needed to implement a new Google AdWords strategy to increase Doyon’s roadhouse and bus trip reservations for the summer season. To get a set of fresh eyes on the account, Kasen took over managing all AdWords campaigns for KWT and KRH.

The Solution:

After analyzing Doyon’s 2015 AdWords data, Kasen built new search campaigns to target Alaska and the continental 48 states separately. Keyword match types and device bid adjustments were applied, and ad extensions were optimized for each campaign based on relevance to location.

Kasen then leveraged YouTube and display ads to retarget people who recently clicked on a search ad or visited the site, but did not convert.

The Results:

Kasen managed Doyon’s ads during the summer season between March - August.

The average CTR was 14%, with peak CTR reaching 24% in July. The new search campaigns accounted for 18% of total reservation requests for KWT and 10% for KRH (and also accounted for 10% of assisted conversions between both excursions). The YouTube ad for KWT received over 100K views.

Doyon’s new campaigns outperformed expectations and ended the season under budget, with a 34% decrease in average CPC.

Kasen James

My name's Kasen, and I'm a comedy writer and songwriter. I'm also ’m an award-winning marketing creative from the San Francisco Bay Area, with nearly 10 years progressive experience producing amazing digital content for small businesses.

I write 😂copy and create 🔥social media content. I build and design high engaging, UX-friendly Squarespace sites. Check out my own website, along with those in my portfolio, for an example of what I can do for you.


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